Monday, February 18, 2013

In Ye Olde Front Royal

     Hello, all! I know I've been extraordinarily bad about posting things of late. I will continue to be somewhat bad and not delve overmuch into Rome right now.
     However, I will say that I have been in Front Royal for a month, and the weather is weird. I wish it were warmer. Too often have I been outside in below-freezing weather unaccompanied by snow. We've had snow, yes; in fact, it's snowed a good many times. The snow doesn't last, however.
     I've also decided that the waters of Front Royal taste nasty, which is a shame, because one must needs drink.
     I will close by adding pictures of the snow in Fro' Ro' and a link with some pictures of the Confessio in St. Peter's Basilica. The Confessio is right beneath the main altar (the one with the huge baldacchino).
     . . . Wow. I've just found you even more cool stuff about St. Peter's: the "grottoes" beneath it. #15 (the Lithuanian Chapel) is where we Christendom Rome students had Mass twice during the semester.
     Last but not least, the saints on the Colonnade. Why? Because I was thinking about it this morning.
Me hugging the Colonnade
The Colonnade. I took tons of pictures of it, but I'll stop here.
     The Colonnade is just awesome. It's big, it's white, it's shiny, it's pretty... NOTA BENE, this isn't from the official Vatican Website, so there probably aren't as many pictures, or as nice pictures, or as nice a website. It's still pretty cool, though, with the numbered maps and everything.
     Oh, look! The cool water fountain! (Yes, I miss Rome.) The water from this fountain-- like the water from all the drinking fountains-- was always sweet and cool. In the water-like sense. But it did feel weird to drink out of a fountain the first few times.
     Oh, St. Peter's...... I need to go back! :)
Last day in Rome. We went to Mass at St. Peter's for the last time
 of the semester... A very sad and melancholy thing. Didn't want to leave. :)

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